
Neck Diagrams is 5 !!!

15 May 2014

By diverge

Happy Birthday Neck Diagrams – You’re 5 Today (well on the 5th March 2014 you were!)

Yes, it’s true, Neck Diagrams is five already. The thing we’re not so sure of is where the time has gone?!?! Perhaps a look through the many updates since the first public release will shed some light on theĀ 5 years since we released v1.0

Happy Birthday to…um… us!?!?

After an intense 18 months of relationship stressing development, March 2009 saw Justin (owner, designer, developer, support agent and bill payer) push the magic button that released Neck Diagrams to the public.

Since then it’s been full shred ahead. Many updates, even more tweaks and enhancements, a few language translations and some excellent reviews. All of which has led to Neck Diagrams being used around the globe by a variety of different user types, including top instructors, hobbyists, guitar magazines and authors.

Hopefully you’ve seen our new Tesimonials page which boasts some very kind words from our users. With this kind of support we’re confident that ND can become even more Rocktastic, especially considering what we’ve got planned for Version 2 which should hopefully be available end of 2014.

So it’s a big THANK YOU to our users, translators, beta testers, collaborators…. and a Happy Birthday to Neck Diagrams.

Best wishes

The Neck Diagrams Support Team

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