
Neck Diagrams on Big Sur

12 November 2020

By diverge

ND2 2.2 available for all systems, including Big Sur!

Apple has released Big Sur 11, the next-generation of the macOS operating system, and you may be considering upgrading your system.

This macOS release includes major changes under the hood – we’ll be keeping this post updated with our progress..

Big Sur compatible ND 2.2 has been released

We’re extremely happy to announce that ND 2.2 has exited beta and is now available for all Macs running Big Sur and any version as far back as and including 10.10 Yosemite, & also Windows systems for 10 as far back as 7!

If you were previously running the ND 2.2 Big Sur beta then please do download the newest build as it contains many changes since the beta release.

The 2.2 release is available from the Download page.


There’s a lot of changes since the previous release (2.1.4).

The full details are available on the Release Notes page.

Does the old Neck Diagrams 1 run on Big Sur?

Unfortunately not due to the considerable changes under the hood in Big Sur. ND1 is no longer supported – all our efforts are going into ND2!

If you’re running ND1 and plan to upgrade to Big Sur you’ll need to upgrade to ND2.

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